The RICH Method

The RICH Method
Richard Gracia & Diego Gracia
Have you ever wondered what rich people did to get where they are? In this book, we’ll show you the tricks rich people use to generate money and keep their bank balances grow. All the things we should be taught at school about how to manage our money, but that rich people, banks and the government don’t want us to know!

About the Author

Richard studied engineering, investment, finance and business management. He graduated receiving an Extraordinary Prize and the Lamb Prize from the prestigious University of Glasgow. He worked advising executives of large multinationals. He created companies that have sold millions of euros, having as partners some of the most successful entrepreneurs in Spain, including Juan Roig (owner of largest supermarket chain in Spain). He managed his own investments and that of multiple investors in real estate. Currently, he is focused, along with his brother and co-author of the book "El Método RICO", on his mission: to expand the knowledge of personal finances to improve people's quality of life through his books, courses and conferences.

Diego is an expert in personal finance and an investor.
From a very young age he has shown interest in this field, throughout his life he has read the best works on economics and personal finance to learn, train and put into practice the best methods and advice that he has collected.
He has also taken several courses on stock investing and real estate investments to increase his knowledge of it.
With the knowledge and experience acquired, he has managed to position himself as a great expert in personal finance, standing out above all in the reduction of savings and savings, managing to optimize each euro to get the most out of his money.
In recent years, he has collaborated with his brother and co-author of this book in the acquisition of real estate with very good results.