The Rise of the Iliri (Box Set, Books 7-9)

The Rise of the Iliri (Box Set, Books 7-9)
Auryn Hadley
Auryn Hadley overlays a compelling sci-fi action fantasy with an emotionally charged reverse harem romance, setting the heart-warming experience of everyday community against the heart-wrenching reality of war—and the loss it causes. The Terran emperor’s war to eliminate the iliri progresses, and Salryc Luxx has risen from army private to assassin to queen of all iliri.

About the Author

Auryn Hadley is known for writing deep and interesting characters. Usually strong women with brains, men who aren't just rich jerks, and people who can be more than one thing at a time. From Science Fiction to Fantasy, with a little bit of Romance thrown in, she believes that a good story is created with interesting characters.