The Saga of Pappy Gunn

The Saga of Pappy Gunn
George C. Kenney
Kenney's book uncovers the remarkable life of Pappy Gunn and his exploits through the Second World War and explains why many generals, admirals and soldiers acknowledged that he was one of aviation's great pioneers.

About the Author

George Churchill Kenney was a United States Army Air Forces general during World War II. He is best known as the commander of the Allied Air Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), a position he held from August 1942 until 1945. Kenney wrote three books about the SWPA air campaigns he led during World War II. His major work was General Kenney Reports (1949), a personal history of the air war he led from 1942 to 1945. He also wrote The Saga of Pappy Gunn (1959) and Dick Bong: Ace of Aces (1960), which described the careers of Paul Gunn and Richard Bong, two of the most prominent airmen under his command.