The Sasha McCandless Series (Volume 1, Books 1-3)

The Sasha McCandless Series (Volume 1, Books 1-3)
Melissa F. Miller
Discover the first three full-length novels in this USA Today bestselling thriller series! This collection features Sasha McCandless, a fierce and fearless attorney who doesn't back down in the courtroom—or in a back alley. In her first three books, she tackles a sinister plane crash, a judge's murder, and a killer targeting female lawyers.

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Melissa F. Miller was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Although life and love led her to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and, ultimately, South Central Pennsylvania, she secretly still considers Pittsburgh home. She is the author of more than forty fast-paced, gripping thrillers, mysteries, and romantic suspense novels.

In college, she majored in English literature with concentrations in creative writing poetry and medieval literature and was stunned, upon graduation, to learn that there's not a job market for such a degree. After working as an editor for several years, she returned to school to earn a law degree. She was that annoying girl who loved class and always raised her hand. She practiced law for fifteen years, including a stint as a clerk for a federal judge, nearly a decade as an attorney at major international law firms, and several years running a two-person law firm with her lawyer husband.

Now, powered by coffee, she writes legal thrillers and homeschools her three children. When she's not writing, and sometimes when she is, Melissa travels around the country in an RV with her husband, the kids, their beagle basset, and cat.