The Sea of Storms

The Sea of Storms
Mark Whiteway
On the planet Kelanni, life is cheap. Along with the "Keltar" enforcers in their flying cloaks, a ruthless invader is forcing the native population to mine "lodestone" - a substance with infinitely destructive power. The only ones who can stop him are a girl with a fiery disposition, a former Keltar, a failed revolutionary, a musician and Boxx, a creature who speaks only in riddles...

About the Author

"Writing SciFi has been a long held ambition of mine. As a kid, I read everything - H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Robert Heinlein, etc., etc. At twelve years old, I wrote a novella. (I still have it, hand-written in a huge ledger). It was about our sun going nova, and the resulting breakdown of society, as told through the eyes of three boys. It had a pretty surreal ending."

"Following that, life intervened, and it was only in April '09 that I determined that I wanted to get back to writing. I had had several ideas running around in my head for some time, of which the Lodestone concept was probably the strongest. As I began to develop the story, it rapidly became clear that there was no way I was going to be able to cover it all in a single book, and so the Lodestone Series was born.

"The first trilogy was quite well received, which led to a second trilogy in the Lodestone universe and I then branched out into a new story which became The Arc of the Universe quartet of books. "Lockdown" enabled me to complete the epic Carrie Anne's World and to start my next project. And on we go!"