The Uncontrolled

The Uncontrolled
Zachary Astrowsky
The fiction novel delves into the timely theme of tracking devices, mind control, and visions of the future. “The Uncontrolled” is an action-packed adventure about a trio of teenagers whose lives are stripped from them as they realize people around them have been brainwashed with a tracking device implanted at the age of 14.

About the Author

Zachary Astrowsky is a 16 year old born and raised in Scottsdale, AZ. He is an honors and AP student. His hobbies include creative writing, school and club lacrosse, and playing the drums. His debut novel, "The Uncontrolled," was published in March 2018. The sequel to "The Uncontrolled" is due out this fall. He is also a literacy leader for Reading is Fundamental, the nation's largest non-profit literacy organization and Zachary has spoken to nearly 3,000 students about the importance of reading and writing.