The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips

The World’s Most Traveled Man’s Top 60 Travel Tips
Ian Boudreault
Directly from Best Seller author Ian Boudreault, widely recognized as the world's most traveled man, a total of 230 countries including every single one of the 195 recognized by the United Nations. Learn the secrets of traveling the world through this spoon-fed, all-you-can-eat collection of the best travel tips and hacks compiled by the most trustworthy voice in the travel industry.

About the Author

Ian Boudreault, known as the world's most traveled man, has been a full-time professional globetrotter for more than half of his lifetime, an epic voyage of twenty plus years circling the globe which has brought him to every country in the world, a total of 230 countries including every single one of the 195 recognized by the United Nations. He has pioneered the concept of the ―Digital Nomad‖ and online entrepreneurship by spending the last seventeen years living in a suitcase, earning online passive income while discovering the four corners of the world. He has been documenting his adventures on his blog He is the author of the book Globetrotter.