
D.M. Rasey
Suddenly, Elizabeth extended her arm to the air in front of Becky's mouth and yanked back in a sudden jolt. Like she grabbed her braces and pulled them out. The young girl lunged forward as if she had been carried away by an invisible force. When blood and teeth were shot from Becky's mouth like a horrific river, cries and gasps could be heard in the background.

About the Author

All things considered, my name is D.M. Rasey I experienced childhood in a little, midwestern town that gave me a lot of available time to compose, win neighborhood grants for my short stories, and discover my voice in the "Fiction/Thriller" class.

After moving endlessly, life, in the end, carried me toward the northwest, and I planted my underlying foundations in Washington soil and went through the previous fifteen years in Seattle. I need to state this is where your voice can be muffled, yet I am noisy.