Touch Me

Touch Me
Skye Malone
I never expected my life to change on a simple night out, but now I’ve drawn the attention of demons. I’ve fallen into a secret world of vampires, werewolves, and monsters who look like anyone else. My life used to be ordinary. Now it’s anything but.

About the Author

Skye Malone is a fantasy and paranormal romance author, which means she spends most of her time not-quite-convinced that the magical things she imagines couldn't actually exist.

A Midwestern girl who migrated to the Pacific Northwest, she dreams someday of travelling the world –though in the meantime she’ll take any story that whisks her off to a place where the fantastic lives inside the everyday. She loves strong and passionate characters, complex villains, and satisfying endings that stay with you long after the book is done. An inveterate writer, she can’t go a day without getting her hands on a keyboard, and can usually be found typing away while she listens to all the adventures unfolding in her head.

Diana Robinson - Epic Middle Grade Fantasy
FEATURED AUTHOR - D. Lynn Robinson is a mom of five and has been writing fiction all her life, and publishing novels since 2019. A lover of the outdoors, she enjoys hiking, swimming, and warm sandy beaches. When she’s not in the water, you can find her horseback riding with her husband Joe on one of the many trails Idaho has to offer.  The Last Indigo and the Beast of Epicerra is her first fantasy chapter book, and a project deeply important to her. She believes that great stories have the power to enrich lives… Read more