Two Heads, Two Spikes

Two Heads, Two Spikes
Jason Paul Rice
Treachery and Deceit Run Rampant in The Kingdom of Donegal. A high stakes game of life and death erupts in a land of murder and manipulation. A triggering event in northern Donegal sets off a series of events with consequences to be faced around the world. Some seek a throne but most hunt the elusive Pearl of Wisdom for its magical powers and ability to summon dragons.

About the Author

Jason Paul Rice enjoyed reading books from a young age. That turned into story telling which later spurred a love of writing . One day while hiking in the woods he found an extremely old chest that contained books, records and maps that told an unbelievable story of a long-forgotten land. Jason studied these materials and created a fantasy world centered around the Kingdom of Donegal to escape everyday life. Now he humbly invites you to see that vision in his epic fantasy series called the Pearl of Wisdom Saga. Jason wants to take you on a mental vacation to a land of honor and intrigue. He will whisk you off to a place of murder and manipulation that somehow escaped the history books. On the lighter side, he enjoys fantasy and historical fiction which may explain a great deal. Jason has also worked extensively as a chef in the restaurant business. He currently resides in Pittsburgh where he was born and raised with a blue-collar ethic