Waltz Back to Texas

Waltz Back to Texas
MJ Fredrick
Waitress Cassidy Simon is determined to escape her sleepy Texas hometown. But just when she’s ready to leave, she meets Grady McKenna, a military man who has returned home. Can their budding love inspire her to stay?

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author MJ Fredrick knows what it takes to chase her dreams. From spirals filled with stories scrawled in pencil to her first computer, a hand-me-down XT, to a used Powerbook, an Alphasmart and finally a shiny laptop of her very own, MJ has used any means she can find to get the stories from her head onto paper. Some are easier than others!

Now with over twenty five published books set from the early days of Texas to the near future, with stops in Africa, Antarctica and places in between, MJ spends the wee hours of the mornings writing and the rest of the day teaching, and her weekends on road trips around Texas with her husband of almost 30 years, looking for more inspiration.