

Ruth Nestvold
The tragic tale of Tristan and Isolde comes to vivid life! For the price of a truce, Yseult is sent to a world where magic is dying - to marry the father of the man she loves. Arthurian fantasy at its finest!

The Shattered Crown

J. W. Webb
When the High King is murdered and his broken crown goes missing, Queen Ariane suspects the wily hand of Caswallon the sorcerer. She forms a secret council and rides out to find the Oracle of her Goddess, to see if her worries are proved right.

Wrong Side of Hell

Sonya Bateman
My name is Gideon Black, and I'm not human. I thought I was until the dead guy started talking to me. That was before I rescued a naked werewolf, who told me the truth. Sort of. Apparently, I am the DeathSpeaker. And I am so screwed.