Science Fiction

Soledad (Dark Republic, Book One)

D.L. Young
In the squalid aftermath of a collapsed nation, rival factions wage battles over territory and precious resources, killer drones fly overhead in search of prey, and everyday life is a desperate scramble for survival. Welcome to the Republic of Texas. Soledad Paz is a slave, sold to a ruthless rebel leader by marauders who raided her home and murdered her parents. With her remarkable ability to see through any deception, she’s become an invaluable—and unwilling—secret weapon in the war to control the Republic.

The Fall of Colossus

D F Jones
THE FALL OF COLOSSUS is the follow-up to D. F. Jones' harrowing classic COLOSSUS… Colossus has grown more and more powerful, its domain now extending beyond the five continents of Earth. When a message arrives from Martians that seems too good to be true, the scientists are sceptical but hopeful. The Martians have the power to permanently terminate Colossus. The world is now under threat, and Forbin has to decide who to save, and who is the real threat to humanity. THE FALL OF COLOSSUS is another gripping instalment in the techno thriller story of Dr Charles Forbin and his malevolent supercomputer.

Barren Waters - Part One

Julia Shupe
This is a 5-part book. Three parts are published and the other two by the end of October. Premise: The oceans are extinct, empty, stagnant, and poisonous, and only the slow passage of millennia can reverse the effects. But what does that mean for the rest of the planet? What does that mean for those who remain? Enter the world as it exists in the twenty-second century. Follow Jeremy Colt and his family as they race across the continent in order to survive. What waits for them in San Diego and why do they need to get there? The clock is ticking. Can they get there fast enough? And if they do will it even save her?

Autonomously Yours

K. N. Parker
Meet Sally: A fully-functioning-female-human-imitation-android, the world's most lifelike automaton. She's the first of her kind, created as a companion for the lonely men of the world, by Dr. Harold Okamura, a lifelong ambition for him. Mr. Jerrald Axel, a money-hungry CEO, commissions Sally's creation. Before Sally can be brought to market, she has to go through a trial period. Dr. Okamura and his faithful android servant, Cran, monitor Sally as she is tested by three clients––all men of very questionable motives.

Tormented Slumber

Paul Deaver
War doesn't always end after the last shot is fired. Returning home begins a whole new battle. A veteran discovers that demons followed him home from the battlefield and threaten to destroy his life. The soldier regains hope when he finds unexpected allies to confront his worst nightmares.

Desert Assassin

Don Drewniak
Twenty-one years in the U.S. Army Special Forces and two more years spent as a mercenary in Uganda and the Sudan was enough. Bill Williams then found home in the lightly populated desert area south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. A year of solitude ensued - solitude broken only by occasional shopping trips to Albuquerque and twice-a-week visits to a singularly unique diner - Killer Two's Diner. The peace and quiet of that year ended abruptly with the sighting of a meteor while sitting on his back porch staring out into the desert.