Jonah Tarver is a troubled Oakland teenager whose life spirals out of control on the day of his eighteenth birthday, which coincides with his Senior prom.
Magic: The Gathering, released in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast, started the collectible trading card game genre. Since its inception, it has grown to a player base in the millions who play casually or in organized events.
After a thousand years of silent cryosleep, waking alone in a world so vastly different to the one they knew before the cryopod, Hachi and Araine find themselves barreling towards a terrifying truth about not just themselves but the whole system.
French author Jules Verne wrote numerous science fiction novels that have gone on to become classics. One of the most widely acclaimed is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, which was first released as a serial and then as a book in 1870.
Sitcoms have been a staple of television since the early days and have kept viewers tuning in regularly thanks to witty humor, good chemistry between characters, and relatable situations.
Video games have grown a lot since their early days when they had a bad reputation for poorly made licensed titles based on popular books and movies. The tables have turned these days, and plenty of blockbuster titles are based on original video games.
With so many choices, it can be hard to find your next favorite page-turner, but fortunately, our readers have made it clear which books they enjoyed the most this month.
All forms of natural phenomena can be terrifying, but few come close to the power of volcanoes.
Follow the hardworking and battle-hardened staff of this Southwestern Florida university mental health clinic as they each cope - or fail to cope - with their own inner turmoil as well as the folks' they are treating.
Biographies and autobiographies have always been popular because they offer a rare glimpse into the lives of others.